You need to know the cause of tonsillar bad breath in the otolaryngology department of the middle hospital

You need to know the cause of tonsillar bad breath in the otolaryngology department of the middle hospitalI think there are many people who brush my teeth on the day, and I think it is difficult to get rid of breath.Sometimes, I think that I can experience interpersonal fear and depression, depression, and depression.If there is no clear symptoms, you need to check if you don’t know why you don’t know why it’s not clear.When you have something unpleasant, yellow grain is a bad feeling, the yellow grain is a flat peach stone.The disease is a disease in which bacteria and food particles harden in small holes in the tonsils and form small yellow grains the size of rice grains. According to a tonsil specialist at the otolaryngology department in Jungwon-gu, the name is a stone, so it is thought to be a hard stone, but it is not as hard as a stone. When leftovers are caught in food, it creates an environment where bacteria can reproduce, so bacteria harden and make grains.Those who don’t usually do oral hygiene or often have sinusitis and rhinitis, which are nasal diseases, tend to have runny nose behind their necks, causing bacteria to reproduce. It seems that symptoms are difficult to appear in the early stages, and it is often treated as just bad breath. However, every time I swallow saliva, my throat hurts, and I feel like something is stuck in my throat, and while brushing my teeth, yellow particles come out and my ears hurt.I hope that the yellow grain is natural, but if the organization is very large, but the organization can consider the treatment if the symptoms are very severe.If you leave without treatment, the immune functionality, the immune functionality is likely to increase the possibility of the disease.When inflammation reaction occurs, the flat gland is swollen and causes sleep failures to cause sleep failures to cause sleep failures to the throat.The method of improving symptoms in everyday life, there are a method of improving immune system, and improve immune power.The ginger tea and Koyaki is likely to relieve immune power and relieve the swelling of the throat.If the symptoms are severe, you must remove the stone.To remove, visit the middle of the middle of the middle ear throat, there is a respiratory treatment of the stone.The patient is not desirable to remove the use cotton rod and fingers.Rather, it is better to deteriorate symptoms and prevent the disease, it is better to prevent the hospitalized by visiting the hospital, and prevent the hospitalized medical tools that are treated as well as the hospital.If the symptoms of symptoms, you can consider the surgery.If you flatly cut the hole, it is likely to remove partial resection.The patient who suffered from symptoms, or more than five to six times or more than five or more tons of peach flame is repeatedly repeatedly.Dream St. Mary’s Otolaryngology Clinic 3193th floor, Gwangmyeong-ro, Jungwon-gu, Seongnam-si, Gyeonggi-doDream St. Mary’s Otolaryngology Clinic 3193th floor, Gwangmyeong-ro, Jungwon-gu, Seongnam-si, Gyeonggi-doPrevious image Next imagePrevious image Next imagePrevious image Next image

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