cause of fiftieth shoulder development shoulder recovery movement
Hello, this is Gangnam Plastic Surgery.Today, I’m going to talk about the causes of frozen shoulders and the exercises you can do. Care should be taken because the shoulders are highly active and can rotate 360 degrees, making it easy to develop diseases. Among the diseases that cause shoulder pain, the frozen shoulder is a disease in which pain symptoms and range of movement are restricted due to adhesion of joint sacs, a pocket surrounding the shoulder joint, even if there is no special trauma. cause of fiftieth shoulder
1) Most of them are caused by degenerative changes, lack of exercise, excessive shoulder use, and incorrect posture. 2) In addition, thyroid abnormalities, breast cancer, cerebrovascular disease, diabetes, and cardiovascular disease can occur frequently.3) It may also occur if the shoulder is not used for a long time due to a sprain or fracture.4) If you have shoulder diseases such as rotator cuff injury and calcareous tendinitis, the incidence is high. symptoms of the frozen shoulder
Pain symptoms gradually begin near the shoulder repayment area, and the pain symptoms get worse and active passive joint movement restrictions appear. If you lie down on a sore shoulder at night, the painful symptoms can worsen and cause sleep disorders. When the painful symptoms get worse, it becomes inconvenient to turn your shoulders or stretch your arms forward, making it difficult to comb your hair or change clothes, and making your daily life difficult.There is a tendency to think of frozen shoulders as a disease that can be cured naturally, but without proper treatment, the duration of the disease will be prolonged and even if painful symptoms are alleviated, it may be difficult to fully recover the range of joint movement. In addition, 30-40% of patients with frozen shoulders are known to be accompanied by rotator cuff disease, so if you have shoulder pain, it is recommended to visit the hospital quickly for proper treatment.

shoulder treatment
Gangnam Orthopedic Surgery basically provides treatment to increase the range of motion of the joint that is bonded by stretching, a passive joint movement. For proper exercise, you need to get a professional medical staff to teach you how to exercise and do it frequently every day. The range of movement can be quickly restored by combining the degree treatment and the extracorporeal shock wave treatment.Surgery should be considered if the symptoms do not improve even after exercise treatment, medication, and injection treatment, or if the symptoms of frozen shoulders have already progressed considerably. The surgery involves minimal incision of the skin and insertion of a 2-4mm ultra-small camera to check the lesion area while performing articular sac glass surgery. Arthroscopy has little burden on complications or side effects after surgery, and can treat diseases related to joints at the same time, so elderly patients and patients with underlying diseases can also undergo surgery. After surgery, it is recommended to maintain the correct posture and carry out shoulder and arm muscle strengthening exercises to prevent stiff shoulders.Gangnam Orthopedic Surgery Department 1. Systematic Exercise Treatment by Professional Therapists 2. Frequency Treatment according to Symptoms 3. Simple and Safe Arthroscopy

50m Naver Corp. See More / OpenStreetMap Data x Naver Corp. / OpenStreetMap Controller Legend Real Estate Street Town, Myeon, Simultaneous County, Gu City, Provincial Government
2nd floor of Baemyeong Building, 275 Baekje Ancient Tomb-ro, Songpa-gu, Seoul, Gangnam Main Orthopedic Clinic

2nd floor of Baemyeong Building, 275 Baekje Ancient Tomb-ro, Songpa-gu, Seoul, Gangnam Main Orthopedic Clinic
2nd floor of Baemyeong Building, 275 Baekje Ancient Tomb-ro, Songpa-gu, Seoul, Gangnam Main Orthopedic Clinic

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